Benefits of choosing The Provisional Psychologist Network
1. We spend the time to link you to the right supervisor
Knowing what you need in a supervisor can be hard if you have never engaged in any supervision prior to engaging in the registration pathway. This can be dependent on which pathway you are undertaking.
We understand the need to fit the supervisee with the appropriate primary supervisor based on their fit in regard to their work role, their availability, and the supervisor’s skill set. To do this we interview assess the needs of the supervisee first, review the supervisor list, and set up a free 15-minute session with a supervisor we believe is the best match for primary supervision requests.
From this session both the supervisor and supervisee determine if they believe they are a good fit before moving forward. We do this collaboratively as we know how important it is for the fit to be right. If it’s not a good fit, or you aren’t sure you can meet with another supervisor we believe is a good fit.

2. We want you to feel supported in your journey
We know many provisional psychologists may complete their pathway in roles in which there are no other provisional psychologists on the team. This can be incredibly isolating.
There are significant benefits of linking with others facing the same challenges. To facilitate this connection and allow for ease of communication we have created a closed Facebook group called The Provisional Psychologist Network.
On this forum we post updates about group supervision, training, and resources. We also post about job vacancies, and free training. You don’t need to be accessing The Provisional Psychologist Network’s services to be a part of this community.
3. You will have access to the mandatory assessments
Whilst some psychometrics on the mandatory assessment lists are in public domain, others are not. Not all employers, or supervisors have access to all the mandatory assessments. This can make it very challenging for provisional psychologists to complete the mandatory assessment tasks.
Our psychometric library includes the following assessments that ensure that you can complete the mandatory assessment tasks: WAIS-IV, WISC-V, WMS-IV, PAI, and 16PF. The other assessments required are in the public domain. Whilst accessing supervision under our supervisors you can use our assessments (for further information see the mandatory assessments page).
We post these assessments, Australia wide. This way you can take your time practicing administration, reviewing the manuals, and feeling confident before completing your recordings. Currently due to high demand access of our psychometric library is limited to our primary supervisees.

4. You can access training on the mandatory assessments
If you are a primary supervisee of any of The Provisional Psychologist Network supervisors, you will be enrolled at no cost to all of the professional development courses published on our online school which you can complete at your own pace in your own time.
We currently have training published on the 16PF, PAI, WISC-V, WAIS-IV, and the WMS-IV. All professional development courses come with downloadable examples/templates of the reports you need to do for the 4 + 2 pathway.
These courses can be logged as professional development hours and come with certificates. If you are not a primary supervisee of The Provisional Psychologist Network, you can access these courses for a fee.
5. You will have access to case report review services and training
Case report writing is a skill, and for most supervisees they are the biggest challenge to gaining their registration. Many supervisors who registered many years ago, whilst excellent supervisors, may not have had training on how to write them to be passed as satisfactory.
Having a case report fail is frustrating, so we have created a course to support supervisees in learning to write them so that they are deemed satisfactory by the Board. We have several supervisors who are confident in reviewing case reports and can review your case reports for you as indirect supervision. This service includes written editing of grammar using tracked changes, comments on changes made so you can see the rationale and learn for future reports, and specific feedback to address in your second edit. If you are a primary supervisee of any of The Provisional Psychologist Network supervisors, you will be enrolled at no cost to our popular case report training.
This training steps you through how to write a successful case report, how to avoid critical errors, provides examples of case reports, and a template to use. It also has several extra resources including examples of an initial assessment template, a literature review on evidence-based treatment, mental status exam readings, and much more. If you are not a primary supervisee of The Provisional Psychologist Network, you can access this training for a fee.

6. You will have access to resources that will support you in completion of the registration pathway
We have a google drive that we share with supervisees that houses a wealth of information on assessment, diagnosis, treatment, research, models, and theories. This google drive is ever growing as it is a collaborative space. Both primary and secondary supervisees have access to this google drive.
7. You can see examples of each of the 4 + 2 tasks
There are many tasks that need to be completed for the 4 + 2 including ethical dilemma reports, lifespan reportS, and diversity reportS.
The feedback we have received from supervisees is that understanding what needs to be completed for a task to be deemed satisfactory helps in the completion of tasks. Within the google drive we have created folders with templates and examples to guide completion of these tasks.

8. We have templates and examples for logbooks, reflective journals, supervision logs, and professional development log
This helps make it very clear regarding what is the standard needed in filling in these weekly requirements of the 4 + 2 and 5 + 1 registration pathway.
9. You can access any of our other supervisors for secondary supervision as needed
There may be times your primary may not have the knowledge needed for a particular presentation (no supervisor knows everything) and you can access secondary supervision from one of our other supervisors. If you are only looking for secondary supervision, we can also support you with this.

10. We provide group supervision services
Group supervision has many benefits whilst completing the registration pathway. Firstly, it is a great way to connect and engage with other provisional psychologists. Secondly it reduces the costs associated with the registration pathway. And thirdly it allows for growth in selected areas of psychological practice. We offer a range of groups during business hours, after hours, and weekends. This way you can access supervision services outside of work hours which will not affect your client facing hours. These groups are facilitated online via Zoom. For more information see the group supervision page.
11. We provide supervision services Australia wide via Zoom
This has many benefits. Firstly, it reduces travel time making your working week more efficient and allows for greater flexibility of sessions times throughout the week. Secondly, it makes learning of professional writing, interpreting of reports, and tasks much more collaborative through the share screen function of Zoom. It also means that the systems we have created through the google drive make it easier to review logbooks, sign reports, and tasks.

12. We have a supervision contract
A supervision relationship is a formal agreement that both parties (supervisor and supervisee) review that explicitly states expectations of both parties. This is a fundamental of supervision that ensures a greater likelihood of preventing ruptures in supervisory relationships.
We value this contract and are committed to ensuring that the expectations stated in the contract are upheld by our supervisors, and supervisees to ensure alliance is maintained in the supervisory relationship. Our supervisors have expertise in supervision and are mindful of supervision dynamics.
We seek to be transparent, and collaborative whilst ensuring client care is paramount in recommendations and decisions made in supervision.
13. We are open to feedback
This network was created to support the growth and development of provisional psychologists. To ensure we are working towards this goal we have a culture of feedback about services offered, and supervision services provided. Your feedback matters and we are open to hearing it.